Resurrection in Palermo
New exhibition with Tilmann Krumrey’s video artwork „Resurrection“, 2012, to be seen at the Polo Museum of Contemporary Art in Palermo from October 21, 2017… Weiterlesen »Resurrection in Palermo
New exhibition with Tilmann Krumrey’s video artwork „Resurrection“, 2012, to be seen at the Polo Museum of Contemporary Art in Palermo from October 21, 2017… Weiterlesen »Resurrection in Palermo
Die nächste Ausstellung findet im Gutenberg Museum, Mainz, vom 26. August bis 29. November 2015 statt. Thema der Sonderschau über Bilder aus der Luther-Bibel: „Am 8.… Weiterlesen »Next Exhibition Gutenberg Museum, Mainz
The well-known Videoinsight® Collection from Turin has included Tilmann Krumreys artwork Resurrection, 2012, into their artwork list at the BMW Art Guide by Independent Collectors. The BMW Art… Weiterlesen »Independent Collectors Guide